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Ornaments 4 Orphans



Ornaments 4 Orphans is a fair trade social enterprise dedicated to supporting children and their families in Peru, Uganda, Kenya, and Nepal. They estimate that up to 70% of “orphans” placed in foster homes or institutions actually have at least one living parent. By employing parents, training them as artisans, and paying them a fair wage, Ornaments 4 Orphans helps keep families together. “It’s about changing an orphan’s story,” says co-founder Jamie Laslo. By purchasing an ornament, you can be part of their story, too.


Ornaments 4 Orphans is a member of the Fair Trade Federation. In addition to creating jobs, 100% of their proceeds are invested in locally-based nonprofits that contribute to the holistic wellbeing of artisan communities. To make these festive ornaments, the aristans use traditional crafting methods and locally-sourced materials.

2 products