2022 Give Back Days
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- By LynAnne
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Shop between November 1-11 and 10% of your purchase will be donated to a charitable cause.
You already know that shopping at HumanKind makes a difference for artisans and makers around the world. As a nonprofit, we source our products from fair trade brands that pay fairly and ensure that producers are able to provide for their families.
During our Give Back Days, your purchase has an even bigger impact.
November 1-11, we are donating 10% of our sales (in-store and online!) to nonprofits located in our community in San Luis Obispo.
Choose your cause and shop on that day to support them!
Shop To Support...
We will be donating to some of our favorite organizations operating in our local community.
Tuesday, November 1: Homeless Services (Shower the People)
Wednesday, November 2: Healthcare Access (Noor Foundation)
Thursday, November 3: Survivors of Abuse (Lumina Alliance)
Friday, November 4: The Environment (ECOSLO)
Saturday November 5: Intercultural Education (AFS Central Coast)
Sunday, November 6: Kids' Music Education (Infinite Music)
Monday, November 7: Anti-Racism (RACE Matters)
Tuesday, November 8: Girls' Education in Uganda (Taproot Charities)
Wednesday, November 9: Cats and Dogs (Animals in Need
Thursday, November 10: Vocational Training in Nepal (HANDS in Nepal)
Friday, November 11: Democracy and Voter Education (League of Women Voters)
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