Free the Girls
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- By Jackie
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An incredible story of bras sparking freedom.
It started with news reports of children forced into sex slavery in Mozambique and one young pastor who couldn’t shake the idea that somehow he could help free these kids from a harrowing, dangerous trap. He couldn’t rush in and save them, could he? Not knowing exactly how he could help, he plunged ahead and moved his young family to Africa. What Dave Tepstra did is amazing. He started working with girls rescued from sex trafficking and quickly learned that deprived of education, and physically and emotionally traumatized, these girls had no economic future. But he suddenly thought of a marketable item they could sell—something every woman needs and wants and millions of women have languishing in their drawers—bras.
Free The Girls was born. Since 2011, hundreds of thousands of bras of every shape and color, new or lightly used, have made their way to Mozambique, El Salvador and Costa Rica to provide small businesses for girls who sell them in markets.
Bras in these countries are expensive, so bras sold in the marketplace at a lower price have a ready customer base. The girls feel safe since their customers are usually other women. Free the Girls provides business management training and the girls are empowered to build an independent life for themselves and their children.
How can you help? Bring a bra (or several!) to HumanKind and consider donating a dollar per bra to cover shipping. The bras can be new (and with tags on they are more valued by future customers) or gently used and clean. We will collect the bras and donations and arrange for shipping to Free the Girls.
Would you like to know more about the Free the Girls story? Watch this wonderful 24 minute video produced by CNN or visit the Free the Girls website to learn more.
We have collected many bras in my school
Is there a free post address to send them to please xxx